Mission critical chemical storage buildings – NFPA code compliant solutions to support your mission
U.S. Chemical Storage has a comprehensive range of customizable chemical and lithium
battery charging buildings. With an industry leading 15 year structural warranty – we’re ready
to meet the varied requirements and operational demands of today’s Armed Forces.
Key Benefits
Improve military preparedness operations with 24/7 storage access for your unit
We can customize our buildings to any dimension or layout needed, from 6 x 6-ft to multiple section custom modulars
Significant cost savings compared to traditional on-site construction for POL and TEMP storage
NFPA code compliant solutions for your specific storage requirements
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Explore our chemical storage
building customizations.
We are global.
We can meet the requirements for international locations including 50 Hertz electrical options
We ship all over the world and support global requirements with a code compliant solution
<iframe src="https://www.uschemicalstorage.com/Military-SF-Form/index.html" style="width:600px;height:600px;"></iframe>